COVID-19 FAQ > When I return to Canada what will I need to do?

When I return to Canada what will I need to do?

posted on 9:10 AM, February 24, 2021

On January 29, 2021 the Government of Canada announced additional requirements for Travellers entering Canada. 

  • Passengers arriving in Canada on international flights will be required to reserve a room in a Government of Canada approved hotel for three nights and take a COVID-19 test on arrival.
  • There will be a 72-hour pre-arrival testing requirement for travellers entering Canada by land with limited exceptions such as commercial truckers.

Details are regularly updated on the Government of Canada’s COVID-19: Travel, quarantine and borders information page. These entry requirements are at the travellers’ expense and not likely to be covered by your travel insurance policy as most travel medical policies cover expenses related to medical emergencies only.

All travellers arriving to Canada must still quarantine for 14 days or isolate if they have symptoms.  It is recommended that you download the ArriveCAN app to speed up your arrival process and reduce contact with officials.  Check for the most current information and details at

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES – If you must travel for essential reasons, travel and come home safely following all public health guidelines. Please monitor for changing rules and guidelines and be aware that severe penalties may result for failure to properly quarantine when you return to Canada.