You are at the premature age, your brain is free, works wild. This is the age where mind works at its most innovative and creative ways, keeping aside the practical possibility. This pops up the startups. Some of them just work magic while some….lets just not talks about them. Not because it is something wrong or depressing, because this will demotivate you if you are young, with a fresh idea, showing the pessimistic side will burst your expectation bubble.
Well, this is exactly the opposite of what I want. Young people are just amazing, full of enthusiasm, passion to make things happen at any cost, the courage to take a risk and convert it into a return. After a certain age, all these things do exist in a person, but giving these thoughts execution is something people refrain from. If you think you are too young to become an entrepreneur then my friend you are totally wrong.
What these young entrepreneurs lack is an experience, but as per my opinion, it is the best part. When you have experience, you see things in a monotonous way and follow the same things yielding almost similar results. Young entrepreneurs, see and do things from an entirely new perspective, of which some can be highly lucrative and miraculous and others can be disastrous as well. While following the dream or fetching for the success at the entrepreneurship, young entrepreneurs set aside health consciousness. One of the things which should be placed at the top of the priority list is placed at the last one, why? No one tells them these are important and if someone tells them, they never follow, they are these energy balls with rebellious nature.
They don’t do what they are told to do, they will oppose, break the rules, find their own way of doing this and probably lead the leaders. Well, well, well, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, healthy mind leads to healthy decisions and what next, healthy decisions leads to successful young entrepreneur. Here are some of the terribly unhealthy things which young entrepreneurs do which should be stopped right at the moment.
Habits of Young Entrepreneurs
1) Irregular Sleep Cycle
We have heard the success stories of the legends and we always have heard they sleep very less and the young entrepreneurs follow them. You do have to sacrifice your sleep, work hard to make your dream come true. But, you do need sleep, not the excessive one, but an adequate one for sure. Your body tries to give you many signals that you need more sleep: yawns, body ache, heavy eyes, headache and where do all these signs lead you? To a coffee, you think this is all you need to take these things away. You crazy mind, just go to bed and not just for a day, make your sleeping cycles regular for at least 6 to 7 hours.
2) High Caffeine Intake
You like coffee, we all do. A coffee with sunrise with a newspaper in hand and a cup of coffee at sunset to keep the laziness away. This is fine. But, when you are a young entrepreneur, one of the most unhealthy things you do is replace your diet with caffeine. But excessive intake can lead to digestive problems, anxiety, addiction, high heart rate, muscle breakdown, insomnia, recurrent urination and many more. Dear young folks, you have a long way to go, from freshers to experienced, don’t let caffeine ruin or end this journey.
3) Chuck off Exercise
It’s not that the young entrepreneurs don’t like exercising and they don’t want to start. It’s just We will start from tomorrow and when tomorrow comes, we want to sleep a little more and the time of exercise is gone. Ignoring exercise can lead to plenty of diseases like arthritis, intestinal issues, cardiac decline and excessive fat. Lack of exercise will make you inactive, dull, a poor memory which will definitely affect your business and entrepreneurial decisions.